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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our final cleaning day...

We cleaned, polished, and scrubbed... took all day!
A few before and after shots of our home...

and Mini Chip passed out playing during tummy time!

and then at 10:30 or so that night...
we loaded into the van and left our home of 7 years and 1 month...
and began our grand adventure!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"THE DAY" has arrived...

As we began our day, Mr. Cookie discovered our silly kitty sleeping soundly...
...drenched from the storm!
Crazy Cat!!

And then...
the movers and their truck came...
wrapped up our furniture...
hauled everything outside...
loaded it on their truck...
and drove away...
 ;.-(   and  :-)  all at the same time...
as we ended our day...
 Mini Chip rolled, in slow motion, from his tummy to his back!
Such a strong little boy!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

"THE DAY" is getting closer...

My wonderful neighbor and her daughter came over and helped me pack my kitchen... Thank you Mrs. Taffy!

And all was tooling along quite well when, well, I PANICKED!! Lucky for me another awesome friend and her daughter came over along with my darling sister and brother. Next thing I knew we were not in too bad a shape,
packing-wise that is.
Even the crawl-space got packed up!

The baby was mostly cooperative and had everyone praising what a wonderful baby he is! :-)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Odds and Ends...

This chair has been in storage at my in-laws house for more than a year. It has got to be the most comfy chair to nurse a baby in!
I LOVE it and am so grateful it is back!

Just look at my smiley-faced baby boy! Adorable I tell you!!

Look how sweet he is when he is sleeping! Notice how his little hands are making a heart shape... he is telling his mommy how much he loves her!  :-)

This is one of my older brothers and his girlfriend and her daughter. They came and visited us the other night. He is an awesome barbeque chef! We had steaks and kabobs and ate like kings and queens! They will be very missed and we hope they visit us in Arizona!
The girls and their friend dressed up... they are so silly and fun too!
Mini Chip says "My Daddy doesn't have to fly away from me anymore!! YEAH!!"

Saturday, July 24, 2010


The moving truck will arrive on Tuesday, July 27 at 8am...     
such mixed emotions... 
Oreo Cookie was on a bike ride with her friend and my cell phone and took this beautiful picture of a Minnesota summer sunset... future pro photographer?!?   :-)

This is my Wonderful Sister and the kids Fabulous Auntie! We went dress shopping for her wedding. Isn't she just beautiful!!!!
We only went to two places and the second one was closing 2 minutes after we walked in the door. We will do more shopping when she visits us in Arizona in November... I am going to miss her sooo very much! If I could pack someone in a box and take them with me, it would be her... don't worry, I would give her water and add breather holes for the trip! After all it is only 1700 miles plus or minus! She'd be fine!! LOL!

Friday, July 23, 2010

On our Perspective of Time...

I have received a healthy dose of the perspective of time this past weekend... When we have something that needs to be done we say next year or next month or in six months pretty freely and it does not seem or feel like it is too far off really. But when we are looking into the face of a family member or a friend or loved one and we say that we will see them in six months or so... well, let me just tell you that it seems terribly long and it feels like half of a lifetime not just half of a year. Goodbyes are very hard and they have begun...


Chocolate Chip Cookie was stung 4 times by bees, twice on one ankle, once on the other ankle, and once on her little thumb at about 4pm-ish Sunday afternoon. It hurt extremely much when it happened and really it hurt her quite a bit for what seemed like a very long time but then it seemed to stop hurting altogether. On Monday morning when I asked her how her bee stings felt, she said, "What bee... oh, they're fine."

The two youngest Cookies were Baptized on Sunday along with their cousin. Mr. Cookie and I are now  proud Godparents! I have never been a Godparent before, but I know that God will help us teach our little one's in the way they should go, especially if we strive to be like Jesus ourselves.

And one final thought... God has His own sense of time as anyone waiting for Jesus to return knows...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Homeschool Curriculum 2010-2011 continued...

I brought my oldest two daughters to Heppner's Legacy. We had a ton of fun and picked out lots of fun stuff... this is what we narrowed ourselves down to:
Two Progeny Press study guides that Butterscotch Chip picked out:
The Scarlet Letter and Maniac Magee.
Mancala we had in the game cupboard, the little clock is to help Chocolate Chip master time a little better, a rubberband/peg game to make shapes that I cannot remember the name of and it is packed, a Mastermind game we plan on checking out in the car on our trip to Arizona, and several different types of dice for different math game fun.
Pattern blocks and activity cards - the kids LOVE these and have already played with them for several hours. Lessons in Responsibility for Girls Level 1 for all the girls. There are two other levels I intend on getting as the girls finish each level.

The Lamplighter Publishing book "The Three Weavers" is for Oreo Cookie. We are extremely excited to start the Jonathan Parks audio series. The Zone Cleaning, Bedroom Cleaning, and Laundry dry erase flip card books are going to hopefully end some issues we are having with chores and how some tasks should be completed.

Apples to Apples, Quiddler, "SET" the card game, Horses stained glass coloring book, A Child's Book of Character Building, and a couple levels of Mindbenders are still on our wish list.