I brought my oldest two daughters to Heppner's Legacy. We had a ton of fun and picked out lots of fun stuff... this is what we narrowed ourselves down to:
Two Progeny Press study guides that Butterscotch Chip picked out:
The Scarlet Letter and Maniac Magee.
Mancala we had in the game cupboard, the little clock is to help Chocolate Chip master time a little better, a rubberband/peg game to make shapes that I cannot remember the name of and it is packed, a Mastermind game we plan on checking out in the car on our trip to Arizona, and several different types of dice for different math game fun.
Pattern blocks and activity cards - the kids LOVE these and have already played with them for several hours. Lessons in Responsibility for Girls Level 1 for all the girls. There are two other levels I intend on getting as the girls finish each level.
The Lamplighter Publishing book "The Three Weavers" is for Oreo Cookie. We are extremely excited to start the Jonathan Parks audio series. The Zone Cleaning, Bedroom Cleaning, and Laundry dry erase flip card books are going to hopefully end some issues we are having with chores and how some tasks should be completed.
Apples to Apples, Quiddler, "SET" the card game, Horses stained glass coloring book, A Child's Book of Character Building, and a couple levels of Mindbenders are still on our wish list.