Have you tried some new kind of food lately?
We have! Lots actually!
Since becoming part of Bountiful Baskets here, we have enjoyed trying some new things that we would most likely never have tried otherwise. It is interesting to find out what new thing we might be exposing ourselves to each week we pick up our basket. Things like parsnips, Asian pears, persimmon, collard greens... these would never have hit my dining room table. Some simply because I didn't know about them, some I have eyed up in the grocery store, but honestly, I probably never would have spent the money. We have also learned that we love California oranges right now! I didn't even know oranges grew anywhere except Florida!
And so, I challenge you to try something new this week. Something that has caught your eye and may be interesting to you! Tell me about what you try. Maybe we will try it too!