- My camera broke right after we moved in here. I can hear the gasps as this is being read! I know! It is tragic! Don't panic for me too much, I started using Oreo's camera for now and it is a pretty nice one too. Mine will soon be in for repairs...
- We didn't have internet for a little while and then we got internet but it was too slow to upload any pictures with. This issue is fixed now that we have high-speed again.
- I have felt somewhat overwhelmed at times with all that is going on... just keeping it real here. :-}
- Prioritizing... the need to have things put away and not live out of boxes. With a little one and everything being so new, this has taken a good deal of time. Later, in a different post, I will show you some pictures of the house and what we have done with it.
- Setting up our classroom, schedules, routines, and agenda's for 2nd, 6th, and 8th grade.
- Exploring and just spending time getting to know the area... grocery stores, library, post office, etc.
- Spending time with Peanut Butter Cookie and doing the things on his to-do list before he headed back to Minnesota for school.
- Scorpions... God's creatures... hmmm... God is good... scorpions are bad!!
On August 19, we had hat day... just for fun.
August 22 - Chocolate Chip made rice krispy treats for all of us. Yum!!
The "Picture of Exhaustion", yup, he fell asleep right like that! That is one hard working Cookie Man!
August 25 - Chocolate Chip put on a ballet recital for Mini Chip! Applause! Applause! :-)
August 27 - Lots of swimming!
Scorpion #2 Located on wall in the Master Bedroom... Yikes!!...
Never had to call an exterminator before... first time for everything!
Maggie getting kind of big for her britches... she really thinks she is something special!...
I don't know about you, but when I think Arizona I DO NOT think lawn mowing... thanks Peanut Butter!
Baby smiles!! Life is Good!!
World's Greatest Daddy!!
Mini Chip's first boat ride... I mean swim... I mean...
Oreo Cookie loves her veggies! And cutting them up too!
That's Peanut Butter Cookie... always monkeying around!!
August 28 Mr. Cookie's friend brought us on a boat ride on Lake Pleasant...
a lake in the desert... wonders never cease...
Got some swim time in...
Watched the sun set...
...and the storm roll in...

...and the storm roll in...
Always looking for treasures!
August 29 - Apple Crisp for Peanut Butter Cookie...
Little Nemo will be swimming in our pool and reminding us of Peanut Butter Cookie while he is away.
August 30 - Checking out a local mall...
That's right! Three of them fit in there now! He is getting to be such a big boy! LOL!!
YES!! They are actually playing together! Peacefully! Why you ask... because there is no one else... :-)
Ahhh! It is blissful having a baby... until they pee in your bath water!!
LOL!!! :-) TeeHeeHee!! LOL!!! :-)
August 31 - Wow! Dad got the TV and Blue Ray hooked up... withdrawals!
September 2 - MILESTONE ALERT!! Mini Chip rolled from his back to his tummy! So Big!!
September 4 - Doesn't get any cuter than that!!
September 6 - Happy Birthday Mr.Cookie! Breakfast in bed from none other than our new egg gourmet chef - Oreo Cookie!
Mini Chip loves his Daddy sooo much!
Happy Birthday Daddy! Look at ALL those candles Dad! Can you get 'em all?!
Tomorrow it is back to school at our house... the rest of Arizona has been back to school for a month already but we are following our Minnesota schedule so we go back September 7. {{hugs}}
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