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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


 Mini Chip LOVES sweet potatoes!
(He looks good in them too, don't ya think! LOL!)

 He and I played with blocks on the floor while the big kids did the big floor puzzle in the other room.
 This Melissa & Doug 4' Human Anatomy floor puzzle is PERFECT for our unit on the human body and it's systems! It's a two sided puzzle. One side is the skeleton and the names of the major bones of the body and the other side is of the circulatory system and the major organs of the body.
The kids love puzzles!
And I do too! :-)
I made this Italian soup for supper. It was super easy and pretty tasty too!

Mr. Cookie is driving home from a jobsite that is 7+/- hrs away.
DRIVE SAFE Mr. Cookie! :-)

So... that is some of what we did on the first day of the new month...
How did you start your month?

1 comment:

  1. Spending the first 2 days of Feb home sick :(
    Shon is gone Tue--Sun for work, he will be in Sunny Az Thur & Friday then spend the weekend in Tucson w/my parents......grrr

    Not my best month so far, but it can only get better from here. Wish I was there, miss you. Making some awesome cards while sick, will send you one!
